One of the fastest growing investor communities in Europe
Comprehensive data on thousands of stocks from around the world
Current information from global markets and individual companies
Education and exchange of investment experience among investors
Fair prices, portfolio tracker, stock screener and other tools
Record results thanks to modern technology
How do 4% yield and big players like Amazon shape the future of this company?
Growth driven by an ageing population
Extraordinary dividends as the key to investment stability
The digital revolution in the real estate market: who is setting the pace of growth?
A dividend of 8.86% and growth that outperforms even the S&P 500
Strategic positioning and attractive dividend yield of the airline
Highest Ambition: the story of a young visionary changing the world of digital payments
REIT with a dividend yield of 7.84% and the backing of giant BlackRock
Artificial intelligence and network solutions: the key to the future of business
Dividends that amaze: 7.45% return from the chemical giant
Artificial intelligence and DevOps: A connection that can work
Electromobility in action: Dividend opportunities in the automotive sector
Autonomous systems: the future of warfare and investment
Strong growth even in tough times: the key to stable dividends